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Anglo Gold Ashanti's Sustainability Journey in 2023: A Look at the Numbers.

Anglo Gold Ashanti released its 2023 Sustainability Report in 2024, outlining progress across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) areas. Let's delve into some key metrics:

  • Employee Engagement: The report highlights that 1444 of employees completed ethics training in 2023. It was 5390 employees in 2022. This statistic indicates a focus ongoing completion of training on ethical practices within the organization with a decrease.

  • Environmental Stewardship: There was a reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions to 1469kt in 2023 which is a slightly better compared to which was 1475kt in 2022. This positive step demonstrates progress towards the company's environmental goals (targeting 30% net absolute reduction by 2030 compared to 2021 baseline conditions).

  • Community Investment: The report details USD$18.84million invested in community programs in 2023 which was $18million in 2022. This data showcases Anglo Gold Ashanti's commitment to giving back to the communities they operate within.

  • Safety Leadership: A TRIFR of [1.09] in 2023 was reported which is better than year 2022 figure of [1.26], suggesting a strong focus on workplace safety at Anglo Gold Ashanti.

These highlights provide a glimpse into Anglo Gold Ashanti's sustainability efforts. It's particularly interesting to see their progress in Safety Leadership based on the figures presented in their open resources available to the public.

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