Kinross Gold is making big strides towards a sustainable future, and their 2023 Sustainability Report proves it! Here's a quick look at some impressive numbers:
Safety Focus: While there's always room for improvement, Kinross is committed to employee safety. Their Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate remained steady at 0.38 per 200,000 hours worked in 2023.
Engaged Workforce: Employee field engagement DOUBLED to 16 interactions per employee compared to previous records!
Water Wise: Water intensity per tonne of ore processed decreased by 1.4%.
Going Green: Renewable energy use jumped 3% to 66% of total electricity! ♻️
Investing in Communities: Local spend for goods and services reached 83%, a 5% increase! ️
Kinross is setting a strong example for the mining industry. Let's keep the conversation going! What other sustainability metrics are important to you?