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PetroChina 2023 Environment, Social Governance Performance Metrics

Learning about the sustainability performance of major companies like PetroChina is crucial for readers as it provides insights into the company’s environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices, which are increasingly important for making informed investment, regulatory, and consumer decisions.

PetroChina’s 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report highlights significant strides and ongoing efforts in various performance metrics. Here’s an in-depth look at our performance across key categories and indicators.

Safety Metrics

Work-Related Injuries

• Loss of working days due to work-related injury: Increased from 5,146 days in 2022 to 11,772 days in 2023.

• Company staff: Increased slightly to 2,767 days.

• Contractor/service provider: Jumped significantly to 9,005 days.

Certified Subsidiaries

• The number of subsidiaries certified by the HSE Management System decreased from 116 in 2022 to 109 in 2023.

Climate Change Metrics

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

• Total GHG emissions: Increased from 160.56 million tCO2e in 2022 to 171.18 million tCO2e in 2023.

• Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1): Increased to 124.66 million tCO2e.

• Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2): Increased to 46.52 million tCO2e.

Methane Emissions

• Methane emissions dropped from 40.09 (10,000 tons) in 2022 to 37.12 (10,000 tons) in 2023.

• Methane emission intensity decreased to 0.34%.

Low-Carbon Energy Transition

• Investment in new energies and new businesses surged from RMB 76.7 million in 2022 to RMB 197.6 million in 2023 (RMB stands for Renminbi, the official currency of China).

Environmental Metrics

Water Resources

• Freshwater consumption increased slightly from 74,688 (10,000 m3) in 2022 to 77,123 (10,000 m3) in 2023.

• Freshwater consumption per ton of crude oil processed improved from 0.481 m3 to 0.473 m3.

Waste Management

• Hazardous waste production: Increased from 108,594 tons in 2022 to 109,547 tons in 2023.

• Non-hazardous waste production: Decreased from 1,784,911 tons to 1,789,104 tons in 2023.

Please see summary table of performance metrics at the end of this page.

PetroChina is committed to improving its performance across all metrics, ensuring sustainable growth while addressing environmental and social responsibilities.

For more detailed information, please refer to PetroChina [2023 ESG Report].

Reference: PetroChina 2023 ESG Report, pages 114-116

PetroChina Performance Data Metrics Table:

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