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Vinci SA: A Green Facade or Substantive Change?

Vinci SA is No#1 in construction and engineering industry in the world and undoubtedly making strides in sustainability. With over 85,000 employees participating in their Environment Day and a focus on employee-driven initiatives, it's clear they're committed to a greener future. Their Environment Awards, resulting in 14 winning projects that reduced CO2 emissions by 49,000 tons and generated €60 million in revenue, are impressive.

However, while it's essential to recognize these efforts, it's equally important to demand transparency from all major corporations. We need a comprehensive understanding of their environmental impact, not just selective highlights. Only then can we truly assess their commitment to a sustainable future.

Let's encourage companies like Vinci SA to lead by example and share their complete environmental footprint. After all,true sustainability requires collective action and accountability.

What has been happening at Vinci Airports regarding water consumption? Is it new acquisitions?

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